Monday, August 25, 2014

The Holy Grail of Digital Banking Solutions

Credit unions and banks, what is your vision of the "holy grail of digital banking solutions"? I know you are busy, but have you really taken the time to consider what
your member or customer facing digital solutions should look like, how they would operate and interact with your current operation? 

Just to give you a kick-start here is a link to some of my thoughts on the subject.    

What does digital banking mean to you? Is it simply online and mobile banking? Is it 24/7 365 day access to all the products, services and support your credit union or bank offers? Is it something in the middle? 

If it is in the middle can you define it? On a scale of one to ten, ten being highest implementation, where does your credit union or bank fit regarding it's digital implementation compared to your expectation? Can your credit union or bank meet your digital solution expectation? If so what will it take? 

Does your holy grail of digital banking exist? If so can you identify it? If it is not out there why do you think that is the case? Can a single technology provider deliver your all encompassing solution? If not, how do you tie multiple solutions together to accomplish your desired goal?  

I hope if you are still reading this blog, most won't be, and that you will take the time and provide your feedback and thoughts. It could be the first step in developing the "holy grail of digital banking solutions".

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